What Are Evaporative Cooling Pad Systems?

What Are Evaporative Cooling Pad Systems?

May 17, 2021

In warmer climates and during hotter months, keeping livestock cool can be particularly challenging. If a barn becomes too hot or humid, this can lead to heat stress. In turn, heat stress can have negative impacts on the health of many types of animals, including pigs, poultry, and cattle.

There are many ways farmers can keep their animals cool. Evaporative cooling pads, which are also known as cooling cells, are one of the more common methods. This type of system utilizes the natural cooling effects of evaporation to lower ambient air temperatures inside of animal barns. Learn more about evaporative cooling pads and get answers to a few common questions.

How Does Evaporative Cooling Work?

Evaporative cooling systems use pads which are commonly made from cellulose, cardboard, or PVC. The cooling pads use a dense, honeycomb structure to maximize water saturation and available airspace.

In most systems, water is fed into the cooling pads, typically via a water pipe that runs across the top of the pads. Excess water is collected at the bottom of the pads via a channel. Unevaporated water is recycled and fed back into the cooling pads through the main pipe.

Evaporative Working Principle

Evaporative cooling is a straightforward principle. In fact, humans naturally use evaporation to cool our bodies when we sweat. Cooling pad systems work in a similar manner:

  1. When warm air interacts with cooler water inside of the pads, heat is extracted from the air.
  2. The heat extraction causes some of the water in the pads to evaporate.
  3. As more heat is exchanged from the air into the water, the air is cooled.

Under the right conditions, temperature drops of 10-20°F are common when using a cooling pad system. In very hot and dry climates, temperature drops can be even more extreme.

Cooling Pad System Design

Based on this principle, cooling pad systems are designed to naturally cool air as it enters the barn. This is most often accomplished by installing the cooling system directly in front of intake fans.

The fans push outside warm air into the barn. This air must pass directly through the cooling pads. As it does, heat is exchanged with the water, cooling it. Exhaust fans on the opposite end of the building help pull the cooled air across and out of the barn.

Fans and cooling pads work together to create a “cooling tunnel” effect. This effect relies upon the wind chill of constantly flowing cooler air.

Need a new livestock cooling system?

Shop Evaporative Cooling Systems

Are Cooling Pads Safe For Livestock?

Cooling pad systems are generally safe for livestock. Since they use water and natural evaporation, there is no concern for chemical seepage or cross-contamination.

Additionally, there is less concern of excess moisture resulting in unsanitary health conditions for your livestock. Unlike sprinkler systems and misters, cooling pads do not directly apply water to your animals or barn interior.

Lastly, cooling pad systems are easily cleaned with conditioners and descalers to prevent mineral, mold, or mildew build-up within the cells.

What Are The Benefits of Cooling Pads?

Cooling pads offer farmers a number of benefits, including:

●In ideally suited environments, cooling pads more effectively limit heat stress than other types of cooling systems.

●They are cost efficient and energy saving when combined with active ventilation.

●Cooling pads are an environmentally friendly cooling that does not result in air pollution.

●They significantly lower risk of health concerns as a result of reduced chemical and gas emissions.

●Pads have a wide application across many uses, from animal houses to greenhouses.

●Cooling cells are simple to install and maintain.

Because of their benefits, cooling pads are quickly becoming a go-to cooling option on many farms. These systems are especially beneficial in the southwestern United States, where they offer the most benefit in cooling hot, dry air. However, studies show that cooling pads are still effective in areas such as the Midwest.

Shop For Cooling Pad Systems From Farmer Boy

Keeping your livestock cool is a top priority during warmer months. Farmer Boy has everything you need to install a new evaporative cooling system in your barn. You can also shop a large selection of general cooling products and industry-leading ventilation systems.

If you’re planning a barn renovation or a new build project, contact us online or call our sales team at 1-800-845-33774 for help with custom building supply packages and services!