AVINEST is a comprehensive range of fully automated poultry nesting systems.
- Features Include:
- Variable speed controls for all egg collection belts
- Separate motors and controls for each belt, allowing individual use
- Perforated Original Astroturf nest pads allow all the dust and muck to fall away for cleaner eggs
- Nest floors raise up at night to close the nests, which keeps the hens out of the nest and nest pads cleaner
- Automatic interior lights behind every nest to help attract the hens
- All partitions made from 3/4" washable coated ply
- Entire nest is a very substantial construction and is made to last
- The design makes nests very easy to clean and protect hatching eggs
- Automatic lifting nest floors, controlled
- Strong steel rack and pinion or wire lifting system is used to ensure complete reliability
- Two-Tier Nest uses an egg collection system - Curved mini conveyors bring the eggs to one level
- Customized collection systems are available for both Potter and other nest makes
- Choice of front or real roll-away nests available
- Specialized nests available for unusual poultry house sizes;
- Popular options: High Capacity Single Tier or Half Two Tier Wall Stack
- Original flat top next for extra floor area available
- Nest Configurations
- Single Tier, front roll-away (egg belts outside of the nest)
- Single Tier, rear roll-away (egg belts in the center of the nest
- Two Tier, front roll-away
- Two Tier, rear roll-away